Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Label

So that every week or two thing...  Whatever; I had an idea and I ran with it.

Today I talk about why the word/ the label/ the title matters to me.

Side note: I'm trying to figure out another format for this shindig, but for now it is still a link to a drop box and a WAV file download.  Enjoy.

Update: Figured out my hosting issue!

Friday, March 9, 2012


The beginning.

Okay folks, I'm attempting this...a podcast.  As the title of this new venture would suggest, my recordings will mainly focus on my search for a Daddy.  I don't pretend to think my thoughts won't venture in other places, seeing as my initial 4:30 clip had me talking about porn, labels, and kinky fun things.  But I do promise I will be honest and open, and hopefully you'll want to hear more.

Because I am less tech savvy than others, I am doing this the way I know how.  So, every week or two, I will bestow upon you a new post with a drop box link to a WAV file you can download.

I do so hope you enjoy.